ToTheZeroth News

API Documentation

Minor relations

As you have probably noticed, in this documentation we have been lazy and killed two birds with one stone: the resource documentation pages were combined with the documentation for the main relations leading to them. There are, however, some additional relations, and for full disclosure they are listed here. Follow the links to the resource documentation for details.


This points from a "subscription" resource to a URI template telling the client where to PUT new "tag" resources. (The template can also be used as an alternative to the self link when deleting existing tags.)


This points from the "users" collection to the specific "user" resource corresponding to the authenticated user.


This points from a "user" resource to a URI telling the client where to PUT a new "payment" resource. (If there is already an existing payment, its self link can be used instead.)


This points from either a "subscription" resource or a "label" resource to the specific subset of the "items" collection containing only items from the current subcription or label.


This points from a "tag" resource to the corresponding "label" resource.