ToTheZeroth News

API Documentation

"Items" collection

URI template supplied by the ttzn:items link in the entry point resource

The "items" collection models the entire set of news items available to the authenticated user. To make it possible to request only a subset of the collection, it is identified by a URI template [RFC6570] with the following parameters.

URI template parameters
Parameter Type Mode Description
from YYYY-MM-DD Optional Only include items posted after this date (inclusive)
id Comma-separated list of integers Optional Only include items with these specific IDs
label Integer Optional Only include items from subscriptions tagged with this label
limit Integer Optional Impose a limit on the number of items
Note 1: The server may impose a lower limit
Note 2: limit and page are only limiting the returned representation of the resource, and will be ignored for updating purposes
page Integer Optional
Default: 1
Skip the first items
Note: limit and page are only limiting the returned representation of the resource, and will be ignored for updating purposes
sort One of oldest-first or newest-first Optional
Default: oldest-first
Specify a sort order
state One of queued, new or archived Optional Only include items with a specific reading state
subscription Integer Optional Only include items from this subscription
to YYYY-MM-DD Optional Only include items posted before this date (inclusive)

Apart from being built from the template, specific URIs can also be obtained from the standard links [RFC5988] (such as self or next) in already obtained "items" representations.

The resource itself is represented by an application/hal+json [draft] object with the following structure.

State properties
Property Type Mode Description
itemCount {
Read-only The number of items currently in the requested subset, per reading state
Note: For the purposes of these counts, the limit, offset and state parameters are ignored, and it is not limited to the number actually embedded in this representation
Embedded resources
Relation Type Description
ttzn:item Array of "item" resources Representations of news items
Resource links
Relation Description
curies A URI template [RFC6570] for expanding rel names with the ttzn prefix into the actual documentation URIs
first The URI of the first set of items in the given order
Note: This is not supplied if the subset starts from the top
last The URI of the last set of items in the given order
Note: This is not supplied if the subset ends at the bottom
next The URI of the set of items immediately following this one in the given order
Note: This is not supplied if the subset ends at the bottom
prev The URI of the set of items immediately preceding this one in the given order
Note: This is not supplied if the subset starts from the top
self The URI of the set of items contained within this representation
Note: This may differ from the request URI, for instance by supplying the lower limit parameter actually used due to server-side limits