ToTheZeroth News

API Documentation

"Labels" collection

URI template supplied by the ttzn:labels link in the entry point resource

The "labels" collection models the entire set of labels created (and not deleted) by the authenticated user. To make it possible to request only a subset of the collection, it is identified by a URI template [RFC6570] with the following parameters.

URI template parameters
Parameter Type Mode Description
id Comma-separated list of integers Optional Only include labels with these specific IDs

The resource itself is represented by an application/hal+json [draft] object with the following structure.

Embedded resources
Relation Type Description
ttzn:label Array of "label" resources Representations of labels
Resource links
Relation Description
curies A URI template [RFC6570] for expanding rel names with the ttzn prefix into the actual documentation URIs
self The URI of the "labels" collection (or the current subset)